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Earn points on every purchase and redeem points for rewards when you join Wrangler Rewards. Plus, we'll keep you up to date upcoming offers before anyone else.
It pays to shop. Earn 1 point for every one pound spent!
1point = £1 Spent
*Exclusions Apply..
Rewards are earned in £5 increments. You’ll have 180 days to use your earned Reward!
200 points = £5 reward
400 points = £10 reward
600 points = £15 reward
What better way to say “Thanks!” than to celebrate you!
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Wrangler Rewards is a loyalty program that allows you to earn points on purchases made on
Points will be converted to Rewards upon earning 200, 400 or 600 Points as selected by you in Accounts Setting. If you do not select a Rewards Setting, the default Points setting is 200 Points to earn a £5 reward. Rewards that can be redeemed on purchases made on shipping to a valid UK address. Wrangler Rewards is free to join, no purchase necessary. Visit our Rewards Terms and Conditionsto learn more.
As an added perk, if you also join Lee Rewards, you will also earn points for purchases made on both and Your combined Wrangler Rewards and Lee Rewards points will be converted into rewards that can be used on either website!
If you already have a account, sign into your account and click the “Join Now” button. If you don’t already have a account, create an account and you will automatically be enrolled in Wrangler Rewards.
First, you’ll need to join Wrangler Rewards.. After joining, you’ll earn 1 point for every £1 spent at (be sure you’re signed into your account when you make your purchase).
You may click “Reward Settings” from your online account to choose whether points will be converted to Rewards after earning 200, 400 or 600 Points. If you do not select a Rewards Setting, the Rewards Setting will default to a 200 Points setting and upon earning 200 points a £5 Reward certificate will be issued. Rewards are valid for 180 Days after issuance for Members outside of U.S. in Europe.
As an added perk, if you also join Lee Rewards, you will also earn points for purchases made on both and Your combined Wrangler Rewards and Lee Rewards points will be converted into rewards that can be used on either website! Your earnings will be added to your rewards balance once your order has shipped.
Based upon your chosen Rewards Settings, Rewards are issued via email and are automatically added to your Rewards account after issuance once the 200, 400 or 600 Points level that you have selected in Rewards Settings is met. You may change your Rewards Setting at any time but should allow 48 hours for such change to take effect. Any remaining balance of Points that have not converted to a Reward will expire 365 Days after they are earned.
Rewards are valid for 120 Days after issuance for U.S. Members and 180 days after the date of issuance for qualifying Members outside of the U.S. Rewards are stored in your account and will be available to apply to purchases made on during checkout. Be sure you are signed into your account to see your available rewards.
If you are returning merchandise from a purchase that earned points, you will get a refund to your original payment and the points that were originally earned will be deducted from your point balance. It’s possible that your point balance could be negative.
If you are returning merchandise from a purchase that included a reward, you will get a refund to your original payment. The original points used for your returned purchase will not be added back to your rewards balance and the original rewards will not be added back to your account..
Points expire 365 days from the date they were earned. Rewards are valid for 120 Days after issuance for U.S. Members and 180 days after the date of issuance for qualifying Members outside of the U.S
Rewards are issued in £5 increments. Rewards will be automatically applied once the number of Points you select as your setting are earned. You can select 200 points for £5 in rewards, 400 points for £10 in rewards, or 600 points for £15 in rewards. If you have not made a selection in Account Settings, the default Points setting is 200 Points to earn £5 in rewards. You will receive an email notification for each earned reward. If you didn't receive it, be sure to check your “trash” and “spam” folders first. If you’re still unable to find it, contact us.
1. Sign in to your account
2. Click on “Account”
3. Select “My Wrangler Rewards”
You will be able to see your current point total and available rewards.
When you provide your personal data, you understand that we process your personal data in accordance with our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.